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Holy See-China agreement not imminent - Burke

Holy See-China agreement not imminent - Burke

Dialogue ongoing says Vatican spokesperson

Vatican City, 29 March 2018, 15:57

Redazione ANSA




Vatican Spokesman Greg Burke on Thursday played down reports that the Hoy See is close to signing a deal with China on the appointment of bishops in the Asian country. "I can say that there is no imminent signed of an agreement between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China," Burke said in a statement. "I'd like to stress that Pope Francis is in constant contact with his collaborators on Chinese issues and accompanies the steps of the dialogue taking place".
    Bishop Guo Jincai, secretary-general of the Beijing-recognized Bishops Conference of the Catholic Church in China, recognized by Beijing, was quoted as saying by the government-backed Global Times that negotiations between China and the Vatican are in their "final stages". "If everything goes right, the deal could be signed as early as the end of this month", he was quoted as saying. "The timing depends on details of the deal or technical issues". The report published by the Global Times also quoted the bishop as saying that both sides are making "positive efforts" to promote the essential deal. Ties between China and the Vatican have long been strained by disputes over who can appoint bishops in the country. China broke off diplomatic ties with the Holy See in 1951, and many Catholics were forced to go underground under former communist leader Mao Zedong's rule. Religious practices were tolerated again starting from the 1980s. Catholics in China can currently attend state-approved churches or have be part of underground congregations.


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