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Gambling ad ban 'sign of civility' - CEI (4)

Gambling ad ban 'sign of civility' - CEI (4)

Church has been fighting gambling addiction

Rome, 04 July 2018, 19:18

Redazione ANSA




The Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI) on Wednesday hailed the government's new ban on advertising for gambling as a "sign of civility". CEI spokesman Father Ivan Maffeis recalled the Church's work against gambling addiction and said "we welcome as a sign of civility the government decree that puts an end to ads on gambling".
    Father Maffeis said "too many families have been ruined by this scourge".
    He highlighted that the Church had been combating gambling addiction through various charities and the bishops' newspaper Avvenire.
    The government's so-called 'dignity decree' aims to curb advertising on gambling and stop top actors and personalities fronting ads.
    Italy has seen a surge in gambling addiction despite a fall in purchasing power over the last few years.
    photo: a rally against gambling addiction


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