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'Napoli Napoli' exhibit lets visitors dip into history

'Napoli Napoli' exhibit lets visitors dip into history

18th century on display with costumes and ceramics

Naples, 28 October 2019, 16:55

Redazione ANSA




The harmony and the refined nature of the ceramics of the Capodimonte Museum alongside San Carlo theatre costumes, art inspired by Vesuvius and music will form the core of an exhibition showcasing history. The exhibition, entitled 'Napoli Napoli. Di Lava, Porcellana e Musica' ('Naples Naples: Of Lava, Porcelain and Music') will open on September 21 and run through June 21 at the Capodimonte Museum and Royal Forest. Curated by Sylvain Bellenger and sponsored by the Capodimonte Museum and Royal Forest(Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte) in collaboration with Naples' Teatro di San Carlo, produced and organized by the Electa publishing house, the exhibition will enable visitors to dip into the Bourbonic era, when the city was the capital of the kingdom during the 18th century and beyond, from the years of Charles III to those of Ferdinand II. There are many sides of Naples that the exhibition reveals, from the most frivolous and playful - that of culture, music and theatre - to the most tragic, with the constant threat that Vesuvius may erupt at any time. Visitors travel through 18 halls from the Royal Apartment, with a spectacular and engaging set design created by the artist Hubert le Gall as the direction of an opera: over 1,000 exhibition pieces will be on display including 600 porcelain pieces from the Royal Factories of Capodimonte and Naples, over 100 costumes from Teatro di San Carlo, musical instruments, artworks, furniture and taxidermy stuffed animals. Music will take center stage for the 'tale', mixing mystery and history, documenting the handover of power, the evolution of society, changes in fashion and aesthetic tastes. Inside of each hall, through the use of dynamic headphones, visitors will be able to listen to the music of famous composers from Giovanni Pergolesi to Domenico Cimarosa, Giovanni Pacini, Giovanni Paisiello, Leonardo Leo and Niccolo Jommelli.
    The project, which is the last part of the trilogy of exhibitions planned by director Sylvain Bellenger for the valorisation of museum collections("Carta Bianca. Capodimonte Imaginaire", held December 2017 to December 2018 and "Depositi di Capodimonte. Storie Ancora da Scrivere" from December 2018 until September 2019 were the other two parts), many themes are woven throughout. There is image paid to Naples as capital of music, the Grand Tour, Egypt-mania, China, a hall with materials from the birth of mineralogy studies, animals with some stuffed exhibits from the Zoological Museum of the Università Federico II of Naples, the mask of Pulcinella and the games, fashion and celebrations in vogue at that time.


Not to be missed


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