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Climate decree to boost unpackaged food and soaps

Climate decree to boost unpackaged food and soaps

Package features 2,000-euro tax bonus to scrap polluting cars

Rome, 18 September 2019, 16:14

Redazione ANSA




The government has prepared a decree featuring a range measures aimed at "combatting climate change and promoting the green economy". According to a draft of the decree, which ANSA has seen, an incentive would reduce the price of food items and soaps sold 'loose' without packaging, or shampoos, drinks and other liquids sold on tap with reusable containers, by 20% in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
    The package would also see current subsidies and tax breaks on activities that are harmful to the environment gradually phased out by 2040.
    The money raised from higher tax revenues would go into a special fund to finance innovation, technology and sustainable forms of production and consumption.
    Another measure in the draft is a 2,000-euro tax credit bonus for residents in cities with high pollution levels that scrap cars with emissions standards of Euro 4 or lower.
    It would be possible to use the tax credit over the following five years for public-transport season tickets and electric or zero-emission shared-mobility services.


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