Italy has approved using cannabis in strictly limited amounts in food.
A government decree setting the limits for the presence of active ingredient THC was published on Thursday, farm group Coldiretti announced.
Among the foodstuffs included were 'taralli' traditional biscuits, other biscuits, bread, flour, and oil.
The use of cannabis in these foods has surged recently.
People also use the drug to produce ricotta cheese, tofu and a tasty vegan drink, as well as beer.
"A response has been given to the hundreds of farming firms that have invested in the cultivation of this type of plant", Coldiretti said.
"The land cultivated (with cannabis) in Italy has increased 10 fold in five years, rising from 400 hectares in 2013 to almost 4,000 in 2018".
The decree sets a limit of two milligrammes per kg for most foodstuffs.
The limit for cannabis in oil is five milligrammes per kg.
"The long-awaited publication (of the decree) in the Official Gazette provides clarity for a sector that has seen a full-fledge boom in the last few years".