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Italy remembers general killed by mafia

Italy remembers general killed by mafia

General noted for fighting terrorism, criminal organisations

Palermo, 03 September 2015, 16:37

ANSA Editorial




A ceremony was held in Palermo on Thursday in memory of Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, a general from Italy's Carabinieri military police who was killed by the Mafia 33 years ago.
    Dalla Chiesa played a key role in fighting terrorism in Italy in the 1970s, helping to capture members of the militant left-wing Red Brigades organisation. While serving as prefect of Palermo in 1982, he was murdered with his wife Emanuela Setti Carraro by a group of gunmen following Mafia orders.
    Attendants laid wreaths by their tomb on Thursday and observed a minute of silence, followed by a long applause.
    Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano and Palermo Mayor Leoluca Orlando were among institutional representatives at the ceremony.
    Italian President Sergio Mattarella said in a statement that Dalla Chiesa was a leading example for younger generations, due to his "unyielding battle against the insidious work of terrorist and criminal organisations and his clever and persistent action".


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