Visitors to the ancient Roman city of Pompeii will be able to see inside more buildings and explore extra features from the spring, officials said on Thursday.
Additional sites that are due to open to the public include
the large house of Julia Felix, an example of a luxurious
ancient spa, the little House of the Orchard with its colourful
frescoes, as well as the gardens of the House of Venus in the
Pompeii, a UNESCO World Heritage site, was stuck in time
when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, burying inhabitants but
preserving their houses.
Visitors will soon be able to follow new routes around the
site, and see some human casts that will be on show for the
first time. The area open to the public is set to extend to
about half of the 44 hectares that have been excavated, said
Superintendent Massimo Osanna.
"There has never been such vast possibilities for visiting
Pompeii," Osanna said on the margins of a conference unveiling
the archaeological site's new plans.
The exhibition "Egypt Pompeii", including Egyptian art and
statues, is due to open at the site on April 16.