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Charlie's mum calls Bambino Gesù (5)

Charlie's mum calls Bambino Gesù (5)

But London hospital says can't move child

Rome, 04 July 2017, 19:36

Redazione ANSA




The mother of terminally ill British 11-month old Charlie Gard on Tuesday phoned Vatican kids' hospital Bambino Gesù and was "very determined" to see if there was a chance of treating the boy, president Mariella Enoc said - - but Great Ormond Street said it could not move the boy from London to Rome for "legal reasons". Enoc said this was "sad" but, however, "our doctors and scientists are looking into the possibility". Enoc said Gard's mother Connie Yates "appears set to stop at nothing" after a British court ordered his treatment to be stopped. Bambino Gesù offered to help Yates and her husband Chris Gard after Pope Francis said treatment should be provided "until the end". Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on Tuesday said the pope had "full confidence" in the Bambino Gesù management.
    Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin said at the presentation of the hospital's annual report Tuesday that its "willingness to welcome Charlie is a mark of your vocation and what you are.
    It's certainly good news for those parents".
    US President Donald Trump has also offered to help and on Tuesday the Sun reported an unnamed US hospital was ready to treat him free of charge.


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