A 20-year-old Somali national arrested last week in Bari on terrorism charges allegedly wanted to stage an attack at St Peter's Basilica in Rome at Christmas, according to wiretap recordings.
Mohsin Ibrahim Omar, who also goes by the name Anas Khalil, is believed by DIGOS special security police in Bari to be linked to the Islamic State (ISIS) in Somalia and to be in contact with one of its operating cells.
"December 25 is coming," he allegedly said in recordings
contained in case documentation.
"The 25th is Christmas... the churches are full.
"Let's put bombs in all the churches of Italy. Where is the
biggest church? It's in Rome?," he said, according to the
wiretap, apparently referring to St Peter's.
The FBI are assisting the investigation.
++ Terrorismo:somalo voleva attaccare S.Pietro a Natale ++
"Il 25 dicembre adesso è ravvicinato".
"Il 25 è Natale...dei cristiani...le chiese sono piene". Il
20enne somalo fermato a Bari per terrorismo stava progettando di
mettere "le bombe a tutte le chiese d'Italia", a cominciare da
quella "più grande", la Basilica di San Pietro a Roma, e
progettava di farlo in occasione del Natale. È uno dei
particolari che emergono dalle intercettazioni riportate negli
atti giudiziari che hanno portato al fermo d'urgenza di Mohsin
Ibrahim Omar, noto come Anas Khalil.
A Somali man arrested on December 13 in Bari was allegedly found
in a wiretap by Italian DDA anti-mafia and anti-terrorism forces
to have called for bombs to be planted in churches. "Let's put
bombs in all the churches of Italy. Where is the biggest church?
It's in Rome?," he said, according to the wiretap. The alleged
terrorist was arrested when trying to flee the Bari area on
December 13. The 20-year-old is believed by DIGOS special
security police in Bari to be linked to the Islamic State (ISIS)
in Somalia and to be in contact with one of its operating cells.
The investigation is being assisted by the FBI.