The words "die dirty Jew" were found scrawled Monday night outside the home of a woman in Turin.
The woman, of Jewish origin, is the daughter of a courier for
the partisans in WWII.
The woman, Maria, said "it is a terrible message, especially
on Holocaust Memorial Day".
"These are old terms, passe', but ones which still hurt".
She has filed a complaint to the local police.
DIGOS security police are investigating.
The local chapter of partisan association ANPI will hold a
meeting at the women's apartment block in a sign of solidarity
on Tuesday.
There have been several episodes of anti-semitic and race
hate in Italy recently.
Anti-Semitic graffiti was found on Friday morning on a door
of the son of a well-known Holocaust survivor in the
northwestern town of Mondovì near Cuneo, not far from Turin.
"Juden hier" (Jews are here), which was written in German
cities during Nazism, appeared overnight on the door of Aldo
Rolfi, son of Lidia, an Italian partisan fighter who was
deported to the Ravensbruck concentration camp in 1944 and
became a powerful voice denouncing the horror endured by Jews
there after the war.
The woman lived in the Mondovì home until her death in 1996.
The road where the house is located has been named after her.
An apparent increase in cases of anti-Semitism and hate has
caused concern from many quarters.
On Monday, Holocaust remembrance day, President Sergio
Mattarella said the memory of the Holocaust should be a
"constant warning" and accounts of Fascist crimes should not be
watered down.
Milan Mayor Beppe Sala put up on his door the words "Antifa
hier" (Antifascists live here) in solidarity with the Mondovì
On Sunday night, also, a bar run by an Italo-Moroccan
woman near Brescia was broken into by intruders who scrawled an
inverted swastika and "ni**er whore" on the floor.
The incident happened at Rezzato.
The woman found a broken window and the graffiti.
Police are investigating.
"I don't know if I'll reopen the bar," the owner, Madiha
Khtibari, told ANSA.
"Now I'm frightened and upset. I'm struck by the fact that
none of the nearby flats heard the noise and reported it.
For now, the bar is temporarily closed.
"I often got insistent comments from clients and also verbal
threats. That's why I always preferred to be accompanied when I
was opening or closing the bar".