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'Pope's visit honours country' - Indonesian Muslim group

'Pope's visit honours country' - Indonesian Muslim group

'Government should use it to boost role in furthering peace'

ROME, 04 September 2024, 09:51

ANSA English Desk



The Muslims of Indonesia welcome "with favour" Pope Francis' visit to the country, the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, according to a statement issued on Wednesday by the Central Council of Muhammadiyah, one of the main Indonesian Islamic organizations.
    "Pope Francis' visit is an honour and a sign of respect for the Indonesian people", said the statement.
    "It is important for Indonesia to use the visit and the meeting with the pope as an incentive to kickstart and develop its role in world peace in a more proactive way to seek permanent solutions for the future of Palestine by involving various sides on a global scale", it added.
    The statement went on to say that "Pope Francis is happy to visit Indonesia by using commercial flights and by travelling long distances and not staying at five-star hotels.
    "This proves that an example can be an important inspiration for national leaders on a national and global level", the note added.
    Speaking about relations between different religious communities, in particular Islam and Catholicism, the statement said the pontiff's visit "highlights the importance of Indonesia and the commitment of Pope Francis in building and strengthening Catholic relations with the Muslim world".
    Muhammadiyah recalled that, "together with the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar, Ahmad el-Thayeb, Pope Francis signed the document of Abu Dhabi on human brotherhood", which "stresses the same spirit of Islamic teachings and the commitment of Catholicism in building human dignity and cooperation between faiths in peace".


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