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Marginalized must not be excluded from progress - pope

Marginalized must not be excluded from progress - pope

'Attention to poor, elderly, migrants' pontiff says in Singapore

ROME, 12 September 2024, 09:33

ANSA English Desk



Pope Francis on Thursday highlighted "the risk that a certain pragmatism and a certain exaltation of merit entails, or the unintentional consequence of legitimizing the exclusion of those who find themselves on the margins of the benefits of progress", addressing authorities in Singapore, the final leg of his 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania.
    The pontiff expressed the hope that "particular attention be given to the poor, the elderly and to safeguard the dignity of migrant workers", and that efforts to improve the living conditions of citizens "continue until they fully involve all residents of Singapore".
    Francis went on to hail Singapore's role on the international scenario for "worthily promoting multilateralism and an order based on rules shared by all".
    He also said that "your commitment for sustainable development and the safeguard of creation is an example to follow, and the search for innovative solutions to deal with environmental challenges can encourage other countries to do the same".
    The pontiff told authorities and civil society that "your unique position offers you access to capitals, technologies and talents - resources that can guide innovation to take care of our common home".


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