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Ariosto's imagination in 90 masterpieces

Ariosto's imagination in 90 masterpieces

Botticelli, Leonardo, Raphael and more, on show in Ferrara

Rome, 23 September 2016, 18:39

Redazione ANSA


A show exploring the iconographic repertoire that fed the imagination of Renaissance poet Ludovico Ariosto on the 500th anniversary of the publication of his epic poem Orlando Furioso opens tomorrow in Ferrara.
    Ariosto (1474-1533) is best known for the epic romance first published in 1516, a tale of the loves and adventures of Count Orlando as he battles the Saracens in defence of King Charlemagne.
    The exhibition of 90 canvases, drawings and other works of art by the likes of Botticelli, Pisanello, Raphael, and Paolo Uccello opens September 24 and runs through January 8 at the National Gallery of Ferrara, housed in the city's Palazzo dei Diamanti.
    The show also includes a tapestry on loan from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, a battle drawing by Leonardo da Vinci on loan from the Royal Collection at Windsor Palace, Andrea Mantegna's Minerva Expelling the Vices from the Garden of Virtue (1502), on loan from the Louvre, and Titian's Bacchanal of the Andrians (c. 1523-26), on loan from the Prado Museum in Madrid.


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