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Blue Helmets of the Sea launched

Blue Helmets of the Sea launched

Task force to uncover treasures, protect marine environment

Paestum, 31 October 2016, 15:01

Redazione ANSA




A new task force called the Blue Helmets of the Sea that will seek to uncover unwater archaeological treasures and protect marine environments was presented at the ancient Greek town of Paestum in southern Italy at the weekend.
    The project is promoted by the World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS) - a sports federation founded by the late French underwater explorer and film director Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
    The CMAS will work with UNESCO, universities and non-profit organizations on the project and one of the aims is to clean the seas of big "plastic islands" formed by floating trash.
    "The Blue Helmets of the Sea will be operating from today in Italy, in Europe and around the world, to serve the community in order to bring to light our archaeological underwater treasures and intervene anywhere in the world to protect and clean our seas," said Silvia Costa, chair of European Parliament's culture and education committee. The Blue Helmets of the Sea initiative was presented at the Paestum Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Fair - BMTA (Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico).


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