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Turin Book Fair announces leadership

Turin Book Fair announces leadership

'Thousands of volunteers' expected to assist

Turin, 21 November 2016, 16:55

Redazione ANSA




Turin International Book Fair Director Nicola Lagioia announced its leadership team for the 30th edition of the festival, scheduled for May 18-22, during a presentation of the 2017 fair at the city's Palazzo Madama on Monday.
    Former Culture Minister Massimo Bray, president-elect of the book fair's managing body, the Book Foundation, emphasized the divisions to be overcome in making this edition a success.
    Earlier this year the Italian Publishers Association (AIE) left the Book Foundation to set up its own event in Milan, also in the month of May.
    "I'd like to have a fair that sends out many messages of thanks to those who made it so that it still exists - the publishers, the city and the citizens," Bray said.
    "The people of Turin care about the book fair and this gives a sense of community".
    Current Book Foundation President Mario Montalcini said thousands of volunteers who worked during the exposition of the Shroud of Turin and the 2006 Winter Olympics would be working at the 2017 fair.
    Director Lagioia said the fair "will try to help us understand the world we live in".
    "Turin has managed to focus on culture above all - the fair will dialogue with the city and the city with the fair," he said.
    photo: Bray


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