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Cortellesi says Oscar chances 'like cat on a ring road'

Cortellesi says Oscar chances 'like cat on a ring road'

'Let's all focus on rooting for Delpero's Vermiglio'

ROME, 07 January 2025, 16:58

ANSA English Desk



Paola Cortellesi said her box-office and critical hit C'è Ancora Domani (There's Still Tomorrow) had the same chance of getting an Oscar as a cat does of surviving on a busy ring road during the Roman Catholic Jubilee Holy Year after it was long-listed for the best actor, screenplay and director awards.
    Echoing the title of a cult comedy film in which she starred alongside Antonio Albanese in 2017, the actor-director said: ''Now, let's be clear: In this US championship, the chances that There's Still Tomorrow will enter the top five for the Academy Awards are equal, I would say, to the life of a cat on a ring road, in Rome, in the year of the Jubilee.
    "But it is still a satisfaction even just to have been admitted to this selection of films distributed in American theaters. Now I would say instead that we focus on rooting hard for our country's deserving candidate, the splendid Vermiglio by Maura Delpero!'.
    ''I am grateful to Greenwich Entertainment, the film's American distributor, for believing in There's Still Tomorrow and having presented it among the films eligible for the Oscars'', Cortellesi told ANSA.


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