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Ferrarini continues to grow abroad

Ferrarini continues to grow abroad

Historic brand stars at Las Vegas Eataly,Summer Fancy Food in NY

Rome, 13 June 2019, 10:21

Redazione ANSA




Leading Italian food company Ferrarini, an historic label based in Reggio Emilia, is continuing to grow abroad, showing renewed competitive vigor and investing in exports.
    As of June the brand will be sold at high-end Italian food market and restaurant chain Eataly in Las Vegas with symbolic Italian-made products including seasoned Parma ham from Lesignano de' Bagni (Parma), salami and mortadella as well as non-GMO butter obtained from milk produced at the Ferrarini farms, which is very much appreciated in US stores.
    "Over the last two years the American market has registered a strong increase in sales", stressed the president of Ferrarini Spa, Lisa Ferrarini.
    Ferrarini said the brand's products can also be found at Eataly restaurants as well as in all of the Eataly stores in the US, including in New York, Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles.
    "Educating international markets" to appreciate the taste of high-end Italian products "is a distinctive trait of our group", the president of Ferrarini Spa said.
    "We want to promote Italy's food culture and train retailers through constant tastings with our dedicated personnel in the countries where we are present, thanks to which consumers can get acquainted with the values and history of typical Italian products and learn to appreciate and consume them".
    The president explained that the company's products in the US, in particular at Eataly stores, have always been sold as "high-end products, 100% Made in Italy, whose trustworthiness is guaranteed by a label with over 60 years of history".
    "This year as well we will be presenting our products to retail and restaurant specialists in North America during the Summer Fancy Food Show, the most important event of the food and wine industry of North America, which will be held in New York on June 23-25", she concluded.


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