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Croatia, Ambassador Trichilo on a mission to Pula and Sissano

Croatia, Ambassador Trichilo on a mission to Pula and Sissano

Focus on issues of interest to the Italian Community

01 September 2024, 14:02

ANSA English Desk



At the invitation of the Mayor of Pula Filip Zoričić, the Ambassador of Italy to Croatia Paolol Trichilo, assisted by the Honorary Consul Tiziano Sošić, met the Mayor of Pula and his deputy, together with the representative of the Italian National Community Bruno Cergnul, attending afterwards the concert of Andrea Bocelli at the Arena of the Istrian city. The meeting discussed issues of common interest such as economic and cultural cooperation, as well as topics relating to the Italian community, in particular the progress made in protecting bilingualism and historical toponymy. In Pula, at the local Community of Italians, the Ambassador inaugurated the Exhibition of the Museum of the Italian Brand 'An image that speaks: invention, transformation and iconicity of famous Italian brands', which continues its successful tour of Croatia, next stop in Varaždin.
    Ambassador Trichilo also paid a visit to the Italian Community of Sissano, whose President Paolo Demarin is also the President of the Assembly of the Italian Union, and met the Mayor of the Municipality of Ližnjan, Marko Ravnić, in whose territory the Istrian locality falls. During the talks, Trichilo particularly welcomed the very recent decision to start the construction of an Italian kindergarten in Sissano, a project of strategic importance for the Italian National Community (CNI), thanks to the funds made available by the Croatian government (725 thousand euros), MAECI (100 thousand euros) and the Municipality itself.
    Finally, the Ambassador visited the Del Mar Resort in Pula, an important investment of the Italian company Sergio Dalle Nogare Group, welcomed by the owner, part of the Del Mar Collection chain in Croatia.


Not to be missed


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