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Cooperation programme trains 30 entrepreneurs in Kenya

Cooperation programme trains 30 entrepreneurs in Kenya

Amb. Natali, strategic partner country for Italy

ROMA, 05 September 2024, 15:25

ANSA English Desk



The Embassy of Italy in Kenya, in collaboration with the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS), participated in the graduation ceremony of 30 Kenyan entrepreneurs trained by the E4Impact Entrepreneurship Centre Kenya accelerator programme. The programme supports the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in Kenya by empowering local innovators with training and funding opportunities. During the ceremony, the Italian Ambassador in Nairobi, Roberto Natali, recalled that the E4Impact programme acts as a bridge between Kenyan entrepreneurs and Italian investors by offering financing and training opportunities. "Italy," he added, "prioritises Kenya as a strategic partner to unlock the country's full potential. The Director of the Nairobi Development Cooperation Agency, Giovanni Grandi, said: 'In the multi-year programme signed between Italy and the Kenyan government based on the 3Ps of the 2030 Agenda, prosperity is one of the key pillars. Our support to E4Impact is aligned to this pillar'.


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