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Italian analyst in Australia, lecture at Perth USAsia centre

Italian analyst in Australia, lecture at Perth USAsia centre

Then the meeting with Curtin University students

ROMA, 10 September 2024, 18:34

ANSA English Desk



Renowned analyst and geopolitical commentator Dario Fabbri paid a visit to Perth, participating in two major events that attracted the attention of Western Australia's academic, diplomatic and business communities. Introduced by Consul Nicolaci,' reads a note from the Italian Embassy, 'Fabbri gave a lecture at the Perth USAsia Centre, a prestigious research centre inaugurated in 2012 by Hillary Clinton and focused on the Indo-Pacific. For the first time in Australia, Fabbri presented an in-depth and original analysis of the geopolitical dynamics of the region, examining the growing relevance of the Indo-Pacific for global balances, the roots of the strategic competition between the US and China, and the crucial role of Australia.
    The conference, which sold out, stimulated a lively discussion, garnering the unanimous appreciation of the participants - including representatives from the academic, diplomatic and business worlds - for the authoritativeness and originality of the reading provided by the Italian analyst.
    During his stay in Australia, Fabbri also met with international relations students at St Catherine's College (Curtin University), hosted by Professor Joseph Siracusa, director of the Global Futures programme at Curtin University, providing new insights into geopolitical dynamics and conversing with students and professors interested in exploring the implications opened up by an analytical approach centred on the human factor,' the note continues.
    The two events, organised by the Italian Consulate in Perth, follow just a few weeks after the conclusion of the impressive military exercise Pitch Black (12 July - 2 August) in which Italy participated with the Carrier Strike Group (aircraft carrier Cavour and frigate Alpino) and the Italian Air Force, deployed for the first time in the Indo-Pacific theatre, and are part of the propulsive action of the Italian Embassy in Canberra aimed at strengthening the strategic dialogue between Italy and Australia.


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