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First edition of the Italian Bicycle Ride in Chile

First edition of the Italian Bicycle Ride in Chile

Ambassador Biagiotti, 'sport is sharing and healthy living

11 September 2024, 12:46

ANSA English Desk



The first edition of the Italian Bicycle Ride in Chile: the initiative was organised by the Italian Embassy in the framework of the Day of Italian Sport in the World, decreed this year by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
    The bicycle tour between the districts of Providencia and Santiago accompanied the more than 100 participants in their discovery of places of Italian cultural interest, on a route dedicated to sustainability and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
    The first stop, where the starting ceremony was held, was the headquarters of the Italian Embassy in Chile, a historic building dating back to the second half of the 19th century. For the occasion, Ambassador Valeria Biagiotti gave an inaugural speech, which was followed by video greetings from two great Italian champions, Tatiana Guderzo and Diego Gastaldi.
    Following this, participants were able to visit the boccia centre of the Mutuo soccorso Italia cultural society and the Umanitaria riunite, a true sports and cultural reference point for the Italian community in Chile.
    The third stop was at the 'Genio de la Libertad' Monument in Piazza Italia, a gift from the Italian community to Chile on the centenary of its independence in 1910.
    The bike ride ended at the Italian Institute of Culture, a building constructed in the 1930s and purchased by the Italian government in 1972.
    'Sport means many things: sharing, healthy living, health, healthy competition, merit and sacrifice. Sport is multifaceted and, above all, it is one of the most important platforms for creating new bonds and friendships,' said the ambassador.


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