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Kosovo, Ambassador De Riu on mission to Peja

Kosovo, Ambassador De Riu on mission to Peja

Launch of the unexploded ordnance awareness campaign

11 September 2024, 22:25

ANSA English Desk



Yesterday, the Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Antonello De Riu, took part in the launching ceremony of the awareness-raising campaign on the dangers of unexploded ordnance (Uxo) at the "Bedri Pejani" High School in Peja.
    The ceremony was also attended by the deputy commander of the Kfor, Brigadier General Federico Bernacca, the Kfor Commander of Rc-West, Colonel Rocco Mundo, the Mayor of Peja, Gazmend Muhaxheri, and the Commander of the Regional Police, Colonel Shaban Shala.
    The initiative, led by the Italian Armed Forces of the Kfor (Rc-West) mission's Western Command, aims to inform the younger generations of the risks associated with unexploded ordnance, providing them with the necessary skills to identify and manage such dangers, which are still relevant in the areas of the country close to the borders with Albania and Montenegro, also envisaging the active involvement of institutions, NGOs, and local communities. The campaign will also extend to the municipalities of Decani, Junik, Prizren, Gjakova, Sterpce, Rahovec and Dragash.
    On the same day, Ambassador De Riu also visited the "Camp Villaggio Italia" in Peja to pay homage to the 62nd Motorised Infantry Regiment "Sicilia", part of the Brigata Meccanizzata "Aosta", present in Kosovo since last July. It was also an opportunity to greet the soldiers of the KFOR Operational Reserve Force who completed their deployment in August.
    Addressing our servicemen, Ambassador De Riu emphasised Italy's exceptional commitment to the NATO mission, intensified in response to the increased posture of KFOR following the tragic events of September 2023 in the village of Banjska, particularly visible in the northern municipalities of Kosovo and in the protection of the main bridge in Mitrovica. With this latest deployment, Italy's contribution to the NATO mission reaches 1,065, making it the first national contingent within Kfor. The Ambassador also expressed his best wishes to Colonel Rocco Mundo, highlighting his professionalism and ability to motivate the troops, key elements for the success of his mission, in line with the best traditions of the Italian Armed Forces in Kosovo.


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