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Scientific cooperation agreement with the CNR signed in Malta

Scientific cooperation agreement with the CNR signed in Malta

Focus on challenges global warming,energy transition and Ai

11 September 2024, 19:07

ANSA English Desk



The Italian CNR and Xjenza Malta, the main innovation agencies of the two countries at the centre of the Mediterranean, have signed a strategic partnership agreement for scientific research to address common challenges, starting with energy transition and the impact of climate change on the tropicalising sea.
    The formal Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions was formalised in Valletta, in the presence of the Italian Ambassador to Malta, Fabrizio Romano, and the Maltese Minister for Education and Research, Clyfton Grima, between the CEO of Xjenza Malta (the national agency for research, innovation and space) Silvio Scerri and the President of the National Research Council Maria Chiara Carrozza.
    The agreement, according to a note from Xjenza Malta, "is a pioneering step in consolidating the engagement" between the two institutions, whose collaboration "not only deepens the historical ties between Malta and Italy, but also underlines a shared vision for tackling some of the most pressing societal challenges facing the Mediterranean and Europe in general".
    The partnership "will help connect Malta and Italy with the wider European scientific community, creating a powerful coalition that aligns perfectly with EU R&I policies and the programming priorities of Horizon Europe, the EU's framework programme for research and innovation".
    The MoU will pave the way for joint funding mechanisms, researcher exchanges and cross-border projects covering fields including marine sciences, cultural heritage conservation, health and the fast-growing areas of green technology, artificial intelligence and climate adaptation.


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