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Somalia, the Italian Ambassador meets the Prime Minister

Somalia, the Italian Ambassador meets the Prime Minister

Bilateral project for areas liberated by Al Shabaab

ROMA, 11 September 2024, 17:28

ANSA English Desk



The Italian Ambassador in Mogadishu Pier Mario Daccò Coppi and the deputy director of the Nairobi office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - AICS met the Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre for an update on the forthcoming launch of projects financed by the Towards Peace and Stability in Somalia fund in favour of the areas liberated from Al Shabaab. This is - reads a note from the embassy - a bilateral project in direct support of the Somali government to strengthen stabilisation and the provision of essential services in these areas. A unique programme in the panorama of cooperation with which Italy, in line with the spirit of the Mattei Plan, intends to strengthen the Somali government's capacity to respond to the needs of its population by assuming, with the assistance of the Italian Cooperation, direct responsibility for the selection and implementation of projects.
    The programme envisages a first phase to respond to the population's most urgent needs, such as access to basic social, health and educational services, and a second phase to ensure the resilience of the communities, also in terms of economic growth. Prime Minister Barre took the opportunity to renew his sincere thanks for Italy's trust and commitment, recognising the high value of an initiative based on a concrete partnership between the two countries.


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