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New cycle of seminars in Mexico on Italian creativity

New cycle of seminars in Mexico on Italian creativity

An initiative to promote the educational offer

13 September 2024, 13:09

ANSA English Desk



The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy and important training centres, has announced the 4th edition of 'Encuentro Creativo', an academic initiative that aims to encourage young Mexicans to discover what Italy has to offer in the fields of fashion, design and other creative disciplines and motivate them to enrol in postgraduate studies or specialisation courses in Italy.
    From 14 to 18 and from 21 to 25 October, a series of free virtual presentations will be held for university students and recent graduates, held by international experts in fashion, design, architecture, cinema, artificial intelligence and sustainability.
    Participants will be able to explore new educational opportunities, as well as participate in selection processes for scholarships and enrolment in programmes offered by prestigious Italian institutions.
    The 2024 edition of Encuentro Creativo will be officially presented at an event to be held on 10 October at the Ferrari showroom in Mexico City with the participation of the Italian Ambassador, Alessandro Modiano, the president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce (Ccim), Lorenzo Vianello, the general director of Ccim, Faribah Gallardo, and prominent personalities from the creative and business world.


Not to be missed


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