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Mexico, embassy webinar on environmental monitoring

Mexico, embassy webinar on environmental monitoring

On the occasion of the Italian Space Day

08 January 2025, 18:33

ANSA English Desk



On the occasion of the Italian Space Day, the Italian Embassy in Mexico, in collaboration with the University of Guadalajara, organised the webinar 'Environmental Monitoring: Science and Data for Aware Societies'.
    The event, moderated by scientific attaché Roberto Marani, was attended by around 50 researchers and doctoral students from the University of Guadalajara, with speeches by key figures such as Marcela Torres, president of the Mexican Council of Postgraduate Studies, and Salvador Peniche, head of the Sisa project (Socio-environmental information system for democracy and dustainability).
    From Italy, Piero Toscano, Riccardo Dainelli and Salvatore Filippo Di Gennaro, from the Institute for BioEconomy (Ibe) of the National Research Council (CNR), and Prof. Francesco Fatone, from the Università Politecnica delle Marche, contributed.
    The main topics included the monitoring of the Santiago river sub-basin, which is crucial for the environment and the local economy, the presentation of innovative tools such as Agrosat, a CNR platform for precision agriculture, and the European framework Water4All, which opens up new opportunities for international cooperation.
    The webinar underlined the importance of making data processed through advanced technologies accessible to society, promoting sustainability and collective participation. The initiative also lays the foundations for future agreements between the University of Guadalajara and Italian institutions and anticipates the themes of Ecomondo México, a sustainability fair to be held from 5 to 7 March in Guadalajara.


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