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Berlusconi not ruling out entering govt

Berlusconi not ruling out entering govt

Ex-premier not 'excluding possibility' of supporting Renzi

Rome, 06 May 2014, 10:45

ANSA Editorial




Silvio Berlusconi on Tuesday said he was not ruling out the possibility that his opposition centre-right Forza Italia (FI) party could join the alliance supporting Premier Matteo Renzi's coalition government after this month's European elections. "We'll have to see what happens with the economy. I don't exclude the possibility that we could be together to take the decisions for the good of the country," Berlusconi told the Radio Anch'io radio station.
    Berlusconi's party was part of the weak left-right grand-coalition government that was led by Enrico Letta after last year's inconclusive general election. But after causing a series of crises for the administration, Berlusconi finally pulled his support for it in November, just before being ejected from parliament after a definitive tax-fraud conviction.
    Letta executive's survived thanks to the defections from Berlusconi's party of a number of centre-right moderates led by Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, who formed the New Centre Right (NCD) group.
    Renzi, the leader of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), unseated Letta in February to become Italy's youngest premier at 39 at the helm of the same coalition his party colleague had.
    Berlusconi has frequently praised the energetic, media-friendly Renzi and is backing the current government's drive to change the Constitution to revamp the country's costly, slow-moving political machinery, albeit with frequent criticism.


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