Premier Matteo Renzi on
Monday reiterated his disappointment at Friday's EU summit in
Bratislava, which concluded with him openly coming out against
Germany's and France's stance on migrants and economic growth
for the bloc's post-Brexit future.
"If Europe continues like this, we'll have to get
organised and act autonomously on immigration," Renzi said.
"This is the only new development to come from Bratislava,
where there were so many words, but we weren't capable to saying
anything clear about the issue of Africa.
"That's why, to use a euphemism, we didn't take it well.
"(European Commission President Jean-Claude) Juncker says
lots of wonderful things, but we don't see actions.
"This is one of Europe's problems. Italy will go it alone.
"It is capable of doing it, but this is a problem for the