The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) on Friday started an online vote of members about the government contract it has agreed with the League.
The poll started at 10:00 and will run until 20:00, the M5S's blog said.
The anti-migrant, Euroskeptic League will also consult its
supporters about the programme via voting at stands throughout
the country at the weekend.
The contract for the M5S-League government features plans to
introduce a two-tier flat tax, a basic income and the revision
of a 2011 pension reform that raised the retirement age, among
other measures.
Experts have estimated that the measures in the programme
could cost over 100 billion euros.
Critics have said the programme does not give sufficient
information about the financial coverage for these measures.
"If you decide that its the right road to take, despite what
all the big Italian and foreign newspapers say, despite (the
opinion) of some Brussels bureaucrats, despite the spread, then
as the political head of the 5-Star Movement I will sign the
contract to finally launch the government of change," M5S leader
Luigi Di Maio said on the M5S blog as he launched an online
League chief Matteo Salvini and Di Maio have not yet agree
who will be the premier of the new government.
Salvini said Thursday that it will be neither him nor Di