Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Wednesday that Italy will not take part in an intergovernmental conference in Marrakech next month to adopt the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
"Just like the Swiss, who carried forward the Global Compact
up until yesterday and then said 'everyone stop', the Italian
government will not sign anything and will not go to Marrakech,"
Salvini told the Lower House.
"The floor of parliament must debate it. The Italian
government will allow parliament to decide".
Premier Giuseppe Conte also said the government will not do
anything until parliament has expressed a view.
"The Global Migration Compact is a document that raises
issues and questions that many citizens have strong feelings
about," Conte said.
"Therefore, we consider it right to put the debate in
parliament and subject any final decision on the outcome of that
debate, as Switzerland has done.
"So the government will not participate in Marrakech,
reserving the option to adopt the document, or not, only when
parliament has expressed its opinion".