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Europe of the people, for the people -PM

Europe of the people, for the people -PM

EU project being called into question Italy PM tells WEF

Rome, 23 January 2019, 18:15

Redazione ANSA




Premier Giuseppe Conte told the World Economic Forum in Davos Wednesday that "we need a new humanism", a "radically new" vision of politics which "focuses on human beings, families, and communities.
    "This is the Europe we are dreaming of. A Europe of the people, made by the people and for the people".
    Conte earlier voiced confidence the government will last the full five years.
    Speaking to Bloomberg TV in Davos, he said "we are a strong coalition and the 5-Star Movement and the League have a great sense of responsibility.
    "We are working strenuously, there is a united spirit and I am very confident we can last five years".
    Conte also ruled out any change to the make-up of the government.
    Addressing the WEF later, Conte said "there is a key word around which we have built our political vision and (government) activity, and that word is 'THE PEOPLE'.
    He recited in Italian the part of the Constitution that says sovereignty belongs to the people.
    "We must give a response to all this", he said.
    Conte said that "we need a new humanism", a "radically new" vision of politics which "focuses on human beings, families, and communities.
    "This is the Europe we are dreaming of. A Europe of the people, made by the people and for the people".
    Conte told the WEF that "European public opinion has for years considered the 'European project' as the instrument to tackle these challenges and protect from their negative impact" but today "it is calling into question its validity and credibility".
    The reality of the euro created growing public debt, and budget frugality slowed GDP growth, Conte said.
    Italians have been "patient" with the EU for many years, trusting to European political and technical institutions, Conte said.
    Conte added that he did not see any State intervention in the banking sector and the exposure to derivatives was "very low".
    For troubled Genoa lender Carige, he said a capital hike and a merger with another bank was "more likely".


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