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Chinese copycats of Apple smartwatch

Chinese copycats of Apple smartwatch

Vendors on popular Alibaba e-commerce site

Rome, 12 March 2015, 12:58

ANSA Editorial


Some Chinee manufacturers are already putting out counterfeit versions of the much-heralded Apple smartwatch a month before it launches, media reported Thursday.
    China's thriving copycat manufacturers are selling lookalikes, some openly advertised as Apple copies.
    "Apple Smart Watch with Bluetooth Bracelet," says one vendor on Alibaba Group's popular Taobao e-commerce website.
    Photos on the vendor's page appear to be the real Apple Watch. It says features on the Chinese version include text messaging and a music player. It starts at 288 yuan ($45), or one-eighth the $349 price of the cheapest Apple Watch.
    Alibaba, which listed on the New York Stock Exchange last year after a record initial public offering, has faced criticism in the past for hosting the sale of counterfeit goods. It says it has been taking steps to reduce the problem.


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