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Edison Pulse prize for Italy's future

Edison Pulse prize for Italy's future

Pulse Prize dedicated to start-ups, research and non-profit

Rome, 18 March 2015, 15:17

ANSA Editorial


Ideas and innovations for developing projects that concern the future of the nation, that is to say that are capable of respecting material resources and generating added value for society.
    This is the spirit of Edison Pulse, the scheme promoted by Edison and dedicated to start-up businesses, to the world of research and non-profit, that has now docked in Rome on the presentation road-show Touring Italy.
    To take part in the 'competition' you can present your project on the ad hoc on-line platform until April 9. One can follow various phases of the competition up to the proclamation Nov. 18 of the winners. Edison will offer finalists support activity and will give 200,000 euros to the best proposal and 100,000 to the winners of the two categories of the competition.
    The first section is dedicated to energy: solutions to favour access and efficient management of new forms of production, the accumulation and consumption of energy for areas and productive districts lacking them. The other category focuses on development of areas, for instance with projects that lessen the environmental impact, for the energy network and the creation of virtuous networks.
    "The philosophy of the prize," says Andrea Prandi, director of Edison external relations, "is to stimulate the innovation of our Nation. Edison already does research internally but wants to look outside, to help also ideas and worthwhile projects. I beleive that this is the value added in a company that is part of Italy's history".
    Some of the projects from last year's edition will reach Expo in Milan including 'Greenrail,' which aims to extract energy from the movement of trains as well as from solar panels inserted on the tracks.


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