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Solar-powered device cleans water

Solar-powered device cleans water

Pilot project to be rolled out in 40 Africa locations

Milan, 31 March 2015, 14:54

ANSA Editorial




The Sun4People non-profit organization on Tuesday presented a portable low-cost device that turns dirty water into drinking water, using a solar panel and not much else.
    At a cost of 1-2 euros a year, the solar-powered device called Sun4Water can be used wherever there is sun and water, but no electricity. It cleans almost all unprocessed freshwater from different sources such as rivers, wells, taps, lakes, rain and water trucks. It does not work with sea water, the non-profit said.
    Once it is fully charged, Sun4Water also delivers energy that can be used for other purposes.
    For example, a family of 10 living in Kenya would need two hours of sunshine to serve their daily requirement for clean drinking water, and have available sufficient electricity to charge three to four cell phones plus light up to 10 LED camping lamps, according to Sun4People.
    The pilot project was made possible with funding from the Milan-based Fondazione Cariplo charitable foundation and is to be launched in 40 locations in Africa, organizers said.


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