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'Antibiotic resistance is top priority'

'Antibiotic resistance is top priority'

Global problem, two-front method to combat it

Rome, 07 April 2015, 18:29

ANSA Editorial




Antibiotic resistance is "a top priority" to the Italian government which is being approached in a 'two-front' method, Italian Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin at a press conference on Tuesday.
    "Antibiotic resistance is a global problem, it is a cause of death, and we know how much death by infection contracted in hospital", Lorenzin said, adding "we have been addressing the issue as a primary point of our agenda together with vaccines since I have been minister, but only now is it on the front page, but it should be addressed more often".
    Lorenzin's comments follow a study released by the British government on Monday. According to the study, 80,000 people risk death if there were a "widespread outbreak" of an antibiotic-resistant blood infection.
    The Health Minister said that the Health Ministry has a two-front approach in combating antibiotic resistance, comprised of both public health education and food production controls. The implementation of electronic prescriptions that reduce public health wait times have helped to increase public motivation in getting antibiotics.
    Additionally, the government has strict controls on farms and subsequently food products which are subject to antibiotic use, in particular meat.
    "We are doing a great job but even more must done. In the last three years the amount antibiotics in meat has been reduced by 30%, but it is not enough", Lorenzin said.


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