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Italian smart bench on the way

Italian smart bench on the way

Self-cleaning, antibacterial, and with WiFi

Milan, 08 April 2015, 19:56

ANSA Editorial




The Milan Polytechnic University has announced the arrival of the smart bench, its patented indoor-outdoor seating endowed with antibacterial and anti-pollution properties, sources said Wednesday.
    The bench is also self-cleaning and recyclable. It has an electrical plug, WiFi, and an SOS alert system that is active 24 hours a day. In addition, the bench has sensors for detecting rain, vandalism and theft. The thin, strong, light structure is made of composite materials borrowed from the aeronautical industry: a sandwich of PVC foam coated with unidirectional carbon fiber fabric, impregnated with epoxy resin.
    The surface is aluminized carbon fiber material. The central body is made of pure carbon fiber, whereas its outline is treated with a resin that absorbs sunlight and glows at night, making the bench visible and easy to locate. The bench's surfaces are treated with photo-reactive titanium dioxide, which simplifies routine maintenance, as the bench is self-cleaning, antibacterial and non-polluting.
    In case of rain, the bench can shut down its electricity, leaving only its emergency alert system active. The bench's emergency system enables two-way voice communication with a central operator.
    The bench is unusually light, and can be easily installed by just one worker. Thanks to its versatile design, it is adapted for use in both indoor as well as outdoor environments, such as airports, train stations and shopping malls.


Not to be missed


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