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HackingTeam software out of control

HackingTeam software out of control

Firm says terrorists, extortionists can now use technology

Rome, 09 July 2015, 11:02

Redazione ANSA




Italian Internet surveillance company HackingTeam has admitted that it has come under attack and said that it has lost control of its Remote Control System (RCS) spy program.
    "It is now apparent that a major threat exists because of the posting by cyber criminals of HackingTeam proprietary software on the Internet the night of July 6," the company said.
    "HackingTeam's investigation has determined that sufficient code was released to permit anyone to deploy the software against any target of their choice.
    "Terrorists, extortionists and others can deploy this technology at will if they have the technical ability to do so.
    We believe this is an extremely dangerous situation".
    Internet criminals have reportedly already taken possession of HackingTeam's technology to launch attacks, including attacks exploiting a bug in the Adobe Flash Player software.
    Adobe Systems Inc said it is working to fix the bug.
    "HackingTeam is evaluating if it is possible to mitigate the danger," HackingTeam said. "We expect too that anti-virus companies are upgrading their programs to detect the compromised RCS.
    "HackingTeam engineers are working around the clock to provide an update to the Remote Control System that will allow clients to resume criminal and intelligence investigations.
    "In response to HackingTeam's request, virtually all clients have suspended use of the system that was compromised in the attack.
    "This is an important step to protect on-going police and intelligence investigations".


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