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Sanpellegrino teaches recycling at Expo

Sanpellegrino teaches recycling at Expo

R-Generation workshops to take place October 5-11

Milan, 28 September 2015, 17:56

ANSA Editorial


The Sanpellegrino Group will be hosting a week of workshops to teach kids how to recycle, focusing particularly on PET plastics that are used for products such as bottled water, the company said Monday.
    The workshops, called "R-Generation," will take place October 5-11 and are aimed at teaching children ages 6-12 how to correctly recycle and the benefits that recycling brings to the environment.
    Each workshop lasts about 30 minutes and the workshops will take place six times a day at the Vivaio Scuola (School Nursery) on the third floor of the Italy Pavilion.
    "The goal is to teach that (plastic) can be a real resource if recycled correctly. It can bring important benefits in social, environmental, and economic terms," the company said, adding that, for example, 27 plastic bottles can make a jumper and 20 bottles can make a fleece blanket.
    "This way, kids learn how it's possible to save natural resources by using recycled materials".
    Another activity to be offered is called Shopping Cart, an interactive game to teach kids how to recognize different types of packaging and learn to correctly separate materials to recycle.
    The recycling program follows on the heels of workshops held in June and August on hydration and the importance of water, in which 1,500 children participated.


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