Researchers at the assistive robotics laboratory of the S.
Anna school of advanced studies in Pisa have developed a special wristband able to monitor the evolution of Parkinson's disease, the institute said in a statement Wednesday.
"The instrument is able to measure precisely and carefully
the movement and position of the hand and fingers, in order to
evaluate objectively the quality of motor ability in patients
affected by Parkinson's," the statement read.
The device uses a system of sensors to help neurologists in
their evaluation of patients at the onset of the disease, when
deterioration in motor ability is difficult to observe with the
naked eye.
"The same system can also be used during subsequent phases,
allowing patients' motor ability to be monitored over time and
showing itself to be highly flexible," the statement continued.
The wristband has been tested on over 150 patients and
almost 100 healthy individuals at the neurology department at
Carrara hospital.