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EU: Romania and Bulgaria from January 1 full Schengen members

EU: Romania and Bulgaria from January 1 full Schengen members

Suppression of borders with and between the two countries

TRIESTE, 31 dicembre 2024, 11:55

Redazione ANSA



As of January 1, 2025, Romania and Bulgaria are full members of the Schengen Area. The decision came after Austria, the most vocal opponent of full membership in the European Union, lifted its veto about a month ago. The Council of the European Union thus lifted land border controls with both Bulgaria and Romania and between the two countries, based on a decision by EU member states. As reported by the Council on its website, Sandor Pinter, Hungarian Minister of Home Affairs, spoke of "a historic moment," the "lifting of controls on persons at internal land borders with these member states and between them has been a top priority of the Hungarian presidency and today we have made it a reality. This step will benefit not only Bulgarian and Romanian citizens, but also the EU as a whole." Since their accession to the EU, Bulgaria and Romania have implemented parts of the Schengen legal framework (Schengen acquis), including those related to external border controls, police cooperation and the use of the Schengen Information System.On December 30, 2023, the Council adopted a decision to implement the remaining parts of the Schengen acquis and to abolish checks on persons at internal air and sea borders as of March 31, 2024.Schengen is the largest free movement zone in the world. Border controls between France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg were lifted for the first time in 1985. The Schengen area currently includes 29 countries (25 of the 27 member states, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) and 420 million people.
    Internal border controls with Cyprus have not yet been lifted, and Ireland is not part of the Schengen area.


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