
EU packaging rules to have strong impact on Italy - Urso

Minister asks MEPs to team up with government and business

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 21 - A proposed new European Union regulation on packaging would have a strong negative impact on Italy, Business and Made in Italy Minister Adolfo Urso said on Tuesday.
    "I have come here to ask all the Italian delegations to the European Parliament to team up with our institutions and businesses, in support of the Italian industrial and social system, starting with the crucial dossier on packaging," Urso told reporters in Strasbourg.
    The regulation, which replaces the existing 1994 directive on packaging and packaging waste and favours reuse over recycling, "would have a very heavy impact on our production system if not substantially modified", he added.
    Rome argues that the new rules would undermine existing investment in recycling and compostable bioplastics, a sector in which Italy is at the forefront. (ANSA).

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