
Jubilee means starting over says pope

'Let's pray for countries at war'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 11 - Pope Francis on Saturday said Jubilee means starting over, urging worshippers not to forget this during the first 2025 Jubilee Holy Year audience on Saturday.
    "Starting over, this is the word: starting over.
    Don't forget this", he said. "A new life starts with the Jubilee, a new stage", added the pontiff, noting he wanted to highlight "the aspect of hope".
    Francis also said the Jubilee needed to bring "hope for our common home, this Earth of ours so abused and wounded".
    He also prayed for peace urging never to forget "that war is a defeat - always".
    "Let's pray for countries at war, for peace to arrive", he concluded. (ANSA).

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