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Educational project in Tanzania to protect biodiversity

Educational project in Tanzania to protect biodiversity

SeedScience’s Nature Ambassadors kicks off with 300 students

26 luglio 2023, 15:49

Redazione ANSA


Nature Ambassadors students inTanzania (credit: Benedetta Di Ruggiero-SeedScience) - RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA

Nature Ambassadors students inTanzania (credit: Benedetta Di Ruggiero-SeedScience) - RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA
Nature Ambassadors students inTanzania (credit: Benedetta Di Ruggiero-SeedScience) - RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA

Nonprofit organization SeedScience has launched a new project to educate local communities in Tanzania about the value of biodiversity. Nature Ambassadors will involve 300 students aged 13 to 18 living on the border between the Morogoro and Pwani regions, an area rich in biodiversity but where there is a strong need to raise community awareness of the value of those ecosystems, and involve them in projects to conserve native animal and plant species.

"Education is the key to the sustainable development of a community and a country, and teachers play a crucial role," explained Michele Raggio, project coordinator and president of SeedScience, a volunteer association that has been active for years in Africa to educate and train generations of young people in science and environmental protection.

The new Nature Ambassadors project, Learn without borders, Preserve within the community, continues the work done in Tanzania in previous years by involving young people who have already been trained, and it will also have support from the international group of National Geographic Explorers.
"As with all our projects, the main goal is for the local people to acquire knowledge and skills to continue independently what we have started together,” added Raggio.

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