Vertical Information


International Portals



ANSA Corporate: AWN

APP & Social



The ANSA portal is one of Italy's most visited sites and is a reference point on the information scene in Italy and abroad. Continuously updated news on the day's events, in-depth analysis dossiers, video news stories and video news programmes, photogalleries and specials: an effective, multi-platform and responsive information tool, increasingly rich, complete with all the services necessary to respond to the most sophisticated market demands.

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Vertical Information

ANSA ViaggiArt

The largest portal on Italian beauty, the results of collaboration with Viaggiart, the award-winning Italian tourism start-up. Enables users to find out about and admire our country's artistic/cultural heritage while keeping them informed on all current affairs news. The portal is also supported by the APP, in Italian and English.

Earthquakes & Reconstruction

All information on operations following earthquakes that have repeatedly hit Italy. The major news from the most affected regions - Marche, Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo - on the reconstruction of homes, cultural heritage, scientific news and multimedia in-depth analysis developed by the editors.

Environment & Energy

A complete and updated news programme dedicated to energy and the environment; the latest news from Italy and the rest of the world regarding institutions and the EU, climate, nature, waste and pollution, traditional and renewable energy, nuclear energy, mobility, consumption and savings, and water. Plus special features, main events, photogalleries, and videos. An essential tool for institutions, operators, and enterprises operating in the sector.


Financial, market & economic news every day on; the dedicated channel which delivers in-depth market news, data and analysis on the international stock exchanges, press reviews and financial and economic agendas; focus on personal finance, small and medium businesses, professions, real estate, ecology of the sea. Providing all the economic and financial information needed to make informed decisions available 24 hours a day on all digital devices.


The new portal, created in collaboration with the Italian Golf Federation, dedicated to fans of this increasingly popular Olympic sport: news on the Ryder Cup, life and golf stories, focus on disabled persons, travel and the environment, in addition to images and the "Social Club," with tweets and posts from champions and commentators.


Stories, news, in-depth analysis, photos and videos on fashion, celebrities, the world of luxury, passions - from food and wine to design, gardening, pets - children, cultural events and social trends. Photostories and photogalleries enrich all sections, as well as numerous specials and notifications on all major events.


An important tool for spreading the culture of legality, especially among youths: news, photos and videos in real time on the main news stories linked to anti-mafia operations, national and international initiatives in justice. News from prisons and updates on civil anti-mafia campaigns, the main cultural events and cultural reviews. This channel collaborates with institutions, associations, and movements committed to fighting all forms of illegality, every day.

Industry 4.0

Information and promotion of knowledge on the digitization of the Italian productive fabric. With a focus on the current economy and its exemplary cases, the portal has developed various sections to provide permanent interpretive keys of the Italian industrial sector and its developments:

  • Business stories
  • Capacities and Territories
  • Europe 4.0
  • Key players
  • Technologies


Top news and the most useful information on the automobile world from Italy and the rest of the world. Industry and markets, road tests, ecomobility, components, regulations, and safety, as well as detailed data sheets on all new models together with new and used price listings. Special features, rankings, photogalleries, and videos not only for enthusiasts, but also for professionals and companies operating in this sector.

Health and Well-Being

Healthcare, medicine, research, nutrition, together with dedicated sections for "Children", "+65", "You can Win", "Him and Her", “Diabetes”, "Professional". A continuous and complete flow of news, special features and events to keep up to date in real time on the sector's themes, focusing on institutional, administrative, industrial, political, and social issues, at a regional level too.

Science and Technology

Information on scientific culture made simple: astronomy, biotechnology, technology, physics and mathematics, energy, Earth, research and institutions as well as book reviews. News from Italy and abroad on the latest discoveries and events in the world of science, dossiers, photogalleries, videos and a special children's section.

Land & Flavour

News from the world of agriculture, food, and the pleasures of the table. Analyses and insights into institutional policies, national and EU standards and the economy of the sector. Constantly updated news, even on sections, chains, typical products and health, as well as a detailed diary of all the most important events and quality ratings.

International Portals


More than 80 news reports and updates every day in English, Italian and Arabic: providing a comprehensive overview of current affairs of all the countries within the region and at the same time circulating news from Italy to the entire Mediterranean basin. All this is made possible by ANSAMed, the international network created by ANSA in 2004 with the main news agencies, media, newspapers, TV and radio in the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. 

ANSA English

Daily production of news reports, photos and multi-language videos: international politics, history, culture, regions, Italian facts and events, with particular focus on the business world and the development of Italian technological know-how, with interests and investments abroad. A news programme in English on Italian issues and Italian news of interest throughout the world, with the aim of promoting the Italy Country System, bolstering opportunities for economic and cultural exchange.

ANSA Brasil

All the facts from Brazil, Latin America and the world in real time, together with in-depth reports, dossiers, video news and video news programmes, photogalleries and specials. Permanent focus on Italy, Made in Italy and in particular the 40 million strong population of Italian descent, with the "Italianos" section. Dedicated to Brazilians and Italians interested in events of this major economy in the BRICs group.

ANSA Latina

Information journalism channel in Spanish and a tool for knowledge and exchange between Italy, Europe and Latin America. The most important international facts, Latin American current affairs, news on Italy and Europe: an original mix of news with an Italian and European point of view always in the fore.


A channel dedicated to the European Union and European Parliament, at the service of citizens. Updated declarations of all Italian MEP's, as well as news, photos, and videos

New Europe

A fundamental focus on central eastern Europe and the Balkans, an area of increasing strategic and geopolitical importance. 20 news stories every day in Italian and English, photos and videos 5 days a week: top news, politics, economics, energy, infrastructures, culture and society, science and technology. Continuous monitoring of the 23 countries of the EU, dossiers and analyses, a section dedicated to special features and events, display of the channel's Twitter feed.


AWN (ANSA Web News)

Real-time news from Italy and the rest of the world. A news feed for websites and portals. News is divided by topic and ensures full coverage of main events in politics, economy, sports, entertainment, and current affairs. Specific profiles dedicated to each Italian region covering main local events.
This product is available in AWN (text only) and AWN PLUS (text + photo) formats. The text is ready-to-use,with a heading, subheading, and full text.

APP & Social


"ANSA Mobile App" is the free downloadable app to view ANSA news, photos and videos transmitted on the web, for free and in real time:

  • Top News, Italy, World, Sports, Football, Economy, Culture, Science, Internet, Entertainment, Fashion, Music, Film.
  • Local news from all Italian regions
  • photos selected by ANSA for Top News, People, Sports, and Curiosities
  • Photo reports of Top Stories, Curiosities, Entertainment, Sports and Football (with photos of Series A matches)
  • ANSA video news
  • videos on Italy, the World, Sports, Football, Entertainment and Economy

A selection of subscriptions, making it possible to activate notification services and save favourite news in Mynews.
ANSA Mobile App is available for iPhone on Apple Store and Android smartphones on Google Play.

To buy a space on ANSA mobile App:


All major news is circulated in real time through all the Agency's social media profiles on all social networks:

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