A review of progress made on
Pope Francis's reform agenda for the Catholic Church began on
Monday via the 68th Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) - the
conference of Italian bishops.
"We are aware of how much our people look to us", and we
pray to be an "increasingly living sign of the Risen Christ in
today's world, careful to promote life, dignity and justice, in
the renewed service of genuine charity," said the CEI President
Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, in his greeting to the pope.
"The common thread of our work will be the will to check
how much and to what extent the basic indications contained in
(Francis's) apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, have been
upheld; and orient the path of our churches to a new stage of
evangelization," he added.
The Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) was issued by
Francis in 2013.
It has been called "the manifesto of Francis" and his
"Magna Carta" for church reform.
Among other exhortations, the document calls for honouring
obligations Christians have to the poor and attacking structural
causes of inequality, such as laissez faire economics that
privilege financial markets.
Francis also called for more pastoral creativity and
openness, while criticizing church bureaucracy, poor quality
preaching, and excessive focus on doctrine.