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Police seize 300 'Hitler Drug' Yaba pills, one arrested

Police seize 300 'Hitler Drug' Yaba pills, one arrested

Found as part of stepped-up anti-terrorism checks

Gorizia, 22 August 2017, 14:05

Redazione ANSA




Over 300 yaba pills, a synthetic illegal substance known as the 'Madness Drug' and 'Hitler Drug', have been seized by police in Monfalcone, in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia of northern Italy.
    The police arrested a Bangladeshi citizen - N.M., 36 years old - who lives in Monfalcone and is legally employed at a carpentry firm. The man was stopped and searched as part of increased security checks after recent terrorist attacks in Europe. When asked for his ID, he showed clear signs of nervousness and tried to hide a package in furniture in his apartment in the central part of the city and was then found to be in possession of the drug. Yaba is a drug based on methamphetamine and is sometimes mixed with residue from heroin processing. It is very common in Asian countries, especially in Bangladesh and India, and is a stimulant which enables users to go for lengthy periods without sleep and induces violent behavior.
    Yaba is highly addictive and very harmful to users' health.
    The drug was used by the German army to make soldiers insensitive to fatigue during WWII. Sold at retail prices, the pills seized would have raked in several thousand euros.


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