Kobe Bryant learned to play basketball in Italy where the late NBA great spent seven years from the ages of six to 13, President Sergio Mattarella recalled Tuesday.
"All the sporting world is saddened by the death of Kobe
Bryant" in a helicopter crash in LA Sunday, Mattarella said at
the inauguration of the academic year at Sannio University in
"A sadness that is based not only on his abilities and
popularity but also because he learned to play in our country
and in our elementary and middle schools".
"The sharing of study is what really links humanity more than
political, institutional and economic links, and it is the
antidote to international uncertainties".
Bryant, 41, died aged 41 along with one of his four
He gave them all Italian names.
Bryant did a lot of his growing up in Italy spending the ages
of six to 13 at Italian schools as his father played in the
Italian basketball league.
In Rieti, his first Italian stop, basketball fans said "all
the hearts of Rieti people are stopping in these minutes,
because there is a chill in our souls and choked-back tears, and
we remember all the games of his dad Joe".
In Reggio Calabria, where Joe moved to next, locals recalled
Bryant as "already a phenomenon at the age of nine".
A Parma opponent playing against his youth team famously
asked "how can you stop him? Hit him?"
The home of another of Bryan's youth teams, Reggio Emilia,
said it would name a square after him.
"He was one of us: here, and in the small courts around the
city, he improvised challenges with athletes much bigger than
him, with school mates. His smile, his love for basketball
entered into our hearts, and a bit of Reggio Emilia entered him
forever, as he told us when he came back a few years ago to our
city, which he called home," said Mayor Luca Vecchi.
"Rest in peace Kobe, Reggio Emilia won't forget you".
Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora recalled Bryant as an
"immense champion, a positive symbol, a great man".
"His tragic death leaves everyone without words," he said.
"The NBA star started shooting his first hoops in Italy, when
he was a little boy, when his father played in our basketball
AS Roma soccer legend Francesco Totti said "I salute a great
man and a great player, whom I had the pleasure to meet".
Bryant often came to Italy to see old friends.
He also gave his two daughters Italian names, including
Gianna Maria, the 13-year-old who died with him in the copter
Juventus star Cristiano Ronaldo said "rest in peace legend".
Veteran commentator and ex-coach Dan Peterson, the man
credited with boosting basketball's popularity in Italy, said
"Kobe was very much attached and grateful to Italy.
"He always said he learned the fundamentals and playing
smarts in Italy.
"He always said he was more a foreign and international
player than American, and to be very appreciative and grateful
to those who taught him how to play".