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5 Italian cities in EU top ten for air-pollution costs

5 Italian cities in EU top ten for air-pollution costs

Milan, Padua, Venice, Brescia, Turin claim top spots in study

ROME, 21 October 2020, 12:16

Redazione ANSA




Five Italian cities are in the European Union's top 10 for the costs of atmospheric pollution, according to a new report.
    They are: Milan, Padua, Venice, Brescia and Turin.
    The report, by the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), quantifies the monetary value of premature deaths, medical treatment, working hours lost and other health costs caused by the the three most dangerous atmospheric pollutants: fine particles, ozone and nitrogen dioxide.
    Atmospheric pollution costs Italians an average 1,535 euros a head a year, the NGO's study underscores, compared to an average 1,095 euros in the 432 EU cities examined in 2018.
    The Milanese came second in Europe to the inhabitants of Bucharest.
    In Milan, the impacts of smog cost more than 2,800 euros a year.
    Paduans came third with 2,500 euros, followed by Venetians (sixth), Brescians (seventh), and Turinese (ninth with around 2,100 euros).
    Aside from the Italians, paying the highest air-pollution costs in Europe were the capitals of eastern Europe, starting with Bucharest on 3,000 euros per capita per annum.
    Next came Warsaw with 2,433 euros, Bratislava with 2,168, and Sofia with 2,084.
    Munich was 10th with 1,984 euros.
    Other Italian cities were further down the rankings with an average cost of around 1,800: Parma, Verona, Bergamo, Cremona and Pavia.


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