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Italy starts giving AstraZeneca jab

Italy starts giving AstraZeneca jab

Being administered to 18-55s, medical staff first

ROME, 11 February 2021, 12:45

Redazione ANSA




Italy on Thursday started administering the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine with the central region of Lazio, around Rome, the first to start giving the jab.
    The health ministry has recommended that the new jab, which joins the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, only go to the 18-55 year old bracket in good health.
    A major vaccination hub has been opened at Fiumicino Airport, capable of vaccinating up to 3,000 people a day, said regional health councillor Alessio D'Amato.
    "We mean to really get the vaccine rollout going at top speed," he said.
    Italy's vaccine rollout has been hit by delays in the delivery of doses from Pfizer and AstraZeneca in particular.
    It has aired the possibility of legal action against the companies.
    A 54-year-old optician, Marco Buglione, was the first to get the AstraZenca vaccine at the new hub at Fiumicino's long-stay car park.
    "I'm thrilled," said Buglione.
    The doctor and opthalmic surgeon said everyone should get he jab.
    "I think it's a vaccine that has an excellent production machine behind it.
    "The British, one of the best peoples in the world, studied it well at the university of Oxford.
    "Let's hope that all the vaccines works well and this horrendous story ends soon, for everyone", Buglione said, giving the thumbs up as he got the jab.


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