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COVID-19 hospital cases still on downward trend - GIMBE

COVID-19 hospital cases still on downward trend - GIMBE

Medical foundation criticises govt's back-to-school plan

ROME, 15 September 2022, 11:34

Redazione ANSA




The number of new COVID-19 cases and coronavirus hospital admissions stayed on a downward trend in Italy in the week of September 7-13, according to the weekly monitoring report of the GIMBE medical foundation.
    It said the number of new cases was down 12.9% with respect to the previous week.
    COVID-linked admissions to intensive-care units were down by 11.9%.
    Admissions of coronavirus patients to ordinary hospital wards dropped 13.3%.
    Coronavirus-linked deaths fell by 14.3%, the report said.
    "The slow decrease in the number of new cases has been taking place for four weeks and is around 108,000 (a week), with a daily average of around 15,000," said GIMBE President Nino Cartabellotta.
    The report criticised the government's COVID plan for the reopening of Italy's schools after the summer holidays.
    It said the arrangements were too vague and put too much responsibility on schools.
    It said this issue had not received sufficient attention amid the campaign for the September 25 general election.
    It said the plan was "inadequate" and there was a risk of a "significant impact on the circulation of the virus and on public health".
    Italy's pupils no longer have to wear facemasks and respect social distancing at school.


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